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Welcome to My Blog. I just started this on March 6th, 2011. This blog will be about my life and my family.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Little Remedies Gripe Water: First Impression

Hey everyone!
Today I bought Chloe some Little Remedies for Tummys Gripe Water because Chloe is really gassy and she is still spitting up a lot. I am thinking that her stomach is upset so that's why I wanted to try this out and see if it will work for her.


It's a herbal supplement with ginger and fennel. It's safe, gentle relief of stomach discomfort and gas from colic and hiccups. Also it is Paraben, Gluten and Alcohol free. Ginger and Fennel shown to be beneficial as an aid to digestion. Make sure you shake well before use. May be given up to 6 times in a 24 hour period.

Suggested Use:

Babies 2 weeks up to 4 weeks of age- 1/2 tsp.
Infants 1 to 6 months of age- 1 tsp.
Children 6 months and older- 2 tsp.

I started using this product today and Chloe seems to like it because she didn't fuss when I was giving her this. It says you can use this product 6 times in a 24 hour period so what I do is that I give this to Chloe first before I feed her. I do this with every other bottle and I will not use this at night probably only in the day time. Her major problem is that she is really gassy so I really hope this product works.

This was recommended by a lot of my friends and by a pediatric doctor.....

I will do a Review on this product very soon!

CES <3

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