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Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Book Review on Pretty Little Liars: Flawless 2nd book of Series

Hey guys so I just got done finishing This book last Night. It has 37 Chapters and has 330 Pages filled with Mystery and Drama. As some of Ya'll know the Series of Pretty Little Liars got changed into a TV Show which Is Very Good show! The Book I just got done reading was the second book to the series of Pretty Little Liars. The Back Description on back of the Book says Spencer stole her sisters Boyfriend. Aria is Brokenhearted over her English teacher. Emily likes her new friend Maya...As more than a Friend. Hanna's Obsession with Looking Flawless is Making her Sick.

I only started reading these books because I started to watch the show and I loved it. Once I found out that it was based off of books I had to get the books and read them. The only thing I hate though is that When books go to Movie or Show they always change things up and sometimes I hate it. This time though I am really interested to find out how their Characters are in the books. It makes me understand them a little more when I read about them. I Love How each chapter you read gives you Drama and it keeps you wanting to Know whats going to Happen Next. 

Summary: The Series is about four girls who are haunted by their past. When their friend Alison goes missing and ends up dead, All the liars secrets starts to come out. Hanna Used to be Fat and not Popular but Once Ali goes missing She changes her look. Now she is Most Popular in School but has a Tendency to Steal. She is Devastated when Sean breaks up with her. Aria is a Artsy girl who Makes things of her own and loves to Design things. Aria Was going out with Her English Teacher Ezra when He broke things off with her. Aria was Heartbroken. Things got worse when She found out her dad was Cheating on her mom and A who is making the girls life Hell Sent a Note to Aria Mom Saying Her Dad was Cheating and Aria Knew the Whole time. Emily is a tomboy who is on the Swimming team and is trying to find out who she really is. Emily and Ben break up when Ben Catches Emily Making out with the New Girl in town Maya. Maya is staying in the House where Ali used to live. Emily Started to Avoid Maya though Because she didn't want people to find out how she felt about Maya. When A threatens her, Emily Starts to Think that Toby is A and that He killed Alison. Spencer is a Classy and Hard Working Student who tends to like guys that her sister Dates. She and Wren(Who was Melissa soon to be Husband) were messing around in the Barn when Her Sister Melissa Catches them. Spencer Parents soon stop talking to her and Cut off all her Credit cards. So Spencer goes behind their back and Starts to Date Wren. But when She doesn't hear from Wren in a Couple of days She Finally gets a Call Saying things weren't gonna work out between them. Wren and Melissa got back Together. So Throughout this whole book the Liars are trying to figure out Who A is and why A wants to ruin their Lives. A Sends them Text messages Saying Watch your Back and You hurt me so I am going to Hurt you. Pretty interesting huh? I think So.

Next Book I am Going to read: Pretty Little Liars: Perfect 3rd book of Series

Do I Recommend this Book? Yes I really Recommend this Series to people who Love Mystery and Drama. I Also Hope U watch the Show on ABC Family, The Second Season comes on June 14 at 7/8pm.

P.S-More Post To Come on Pretty Little Liars. So keep eye out on them.

CES <3


  1. I read this book series and loved it even before the show started! I love the show too but I do not love how the show is kinda different than the books - books were better. However, I like how the show is different because now I do not know what is going to happen even though I have read the books.


  2. I Know I just Love how I am always wondering whats gonna happen next!

  3. Can June 14 get here already?!

